The beginnings of a Tennessee Summer! ! !
Support a Local Farm...
Our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program started last earlier this month.
We will be getting freshly harvested organic produce all season!!!
Our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program started last earlier this month.
We will be getting freshly harvested organic produce all season!!!

Matthew has been to the zoo dozens of times, but we have never ventured into the Unseen World.
Matthew likes the cool break from the sun and the bright fish.

Matthew enjoyed the carousel.
Matthew, I'm sure Uncle Hef will love to teach you how to play soccer.
5/26/2007 10:19 PM
Ah, CSA season. We're still doing the lazy man's version, Urban Organics. But some of those seeds I planted in the backyard are starting to come up... Can't get more local than that. :) Do you guys actually fidn time to eat all of those veggies?
5/31/2007 10:24 AM
We actually do eat ALL of the produce...and before the next batch comes in!! We also have tomatoes & basil growing out back. The tomatoes are almost as tall as me!
6/01/2007 1:58 PM
Awe Matthew looks so cute! This picture will make a great post card.
6/05/2007 9:30 AM
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