Matthew was a little bear for Halloween, courtesy of Josh's cousin Adam. Here he is at home, a bit stunned after a fabulous parade in Park Slope.

Matthew stops for snacks (not the candy kind!!) on the steps of the Catholic church. Daddy managed to color-coordinate with Mr. Bear without even trying!

Outside "Pumpkins," one of the many Park Slope stores giving out candy to trick-or-treaters. Mommy & Daddy didn't have the gumption to use little Matthew to score themselves some candy!

Matthew was very excited to get going in his autumnal stroller. Our little bear melted many hearts this evening...
omigosh, he's so adorable! and look at that smile!
11/01/2006 4:20 PM
I know he's not happy on "candy". It must be just as natural as his cuteness. Wait a minute, "cuteness" isn't a strong enough word. How about: He's soooooo "adorable". Hugs and kisses for the little bear.
11/01/2006 6:31 PM
Nice pics... great to see you guys back in July, wow he's gotten so big already.... time goes too fast.
Happy Reformation Day!!!
11/01/2006 7:05 PM
way to hold that head up, little bear! cutest baby bear i've seen yet!
11/01/2006 7:57 PM
that middle one is my fave. He is such a cutie pie!
11/09/2006 2:13 AM
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