a boy and a girl and a cat and 5 fish...8 fish...7 fish

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Apple Picking in Jersey

Matthew went with Mom & Dad to the 'Garden State' to pick apples off of one of Matthew's favorite things: trees!

Now that he has gotten his grabbing skill down he can pick apples right off the tree!

Look at that beauty (the apple or the bambino)!

This one is a keeper!

Matthew taking a well earned break-

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matthew, You had a great Uncle who had an excellent apple orchard on his farm in Tennessee (beside the farm Pops grew up on). When Pops was a youngun', he loved to climb in those trees and "sneak some apples out". Most often green, but he ate them anyway. Many a tummyache Pops had! Don't eat the green ones, unless they are Granny Washington. See you in a few days!

Love you,

10/15/2006 5:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant Granny Smith. Pops is getting old.

10/15/2006 5:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matthew, your Pooh outfit is a keeper too. The apples Nonna remembers picking are the ones your great-granmother use to tell her to pick up off the ground - the rotten ones. Your big red apple looks much tastier. See you Saturday. Love you!

10/15/2006 11:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute outfit, Matthew! Watch out for worms in them apples! And maybe one day you'll get to come sample some of those famous Washington apples... they're tasty!

10/18/2006 3:48 PM


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