a boy and a girl and a cat and 5 fish...8 fish...7 fish

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Matthew was a little bear for Halloween, courtesy of Josh's cousin Adam. Here he is at home, a bit stunned after a fabulous parade in Park Slope.
Matthew stops for snacks (not the candy kind!!) on the steps of the Catholic church. Daddy managed to color-coordinate with Mr. Bear without even trying!
Outside "Pumpkins," one of the many Park Slope stores giving out candy to trick-or-treaters. Mommy & Daddy didn't have the gumption to use little Matthew to score themselves some candy!
Matthew was very excited to get going in his autumnal stroller. Our little bear melted many hearts this evening... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lazy Saturday

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Matthew goes to the Berkshires with Nona & Pops

Matthew and Nona hanging out at Race Brook Lodge.
Matthew's new travel crib... for making away from home feel like home...
Sleepy Hollow in October... the headless horseman rode near here.. moohahaha
But Matthew is not afraid... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Apple Picking in Jersey

Matthew went with Mom & Dad to the 'Garden State' to pick apples off of one of Matthew's favorite things: trees!

Now that he has gotten his grabbing skill down he can pick apples right off the tree!

Look at that beauty (the apple or the bambino)!

This one is a keeper!

Matthew taking a well earned break-

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Matthew's New Skills and Toys

Matthew is pulling out all the stops with his smiles...this one at his favorite man: Daddy!! He's tenaciously holding on to his favorite new toy ball.
Matthew is also testing things out with his mouth, including the ball. He just can't figure out how to get it into his mouth!! He's also holding his head up, sucking his thumbs, and beginning to laugh! Three months old this week! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 02, 2006

He's cute awake and asleep!

that would put a smile on your face, I promise! Posted by Picasa

Matthew meets Auntie Casey

Casey is going to teach Mattew all kinds of neat things some day soon!

I think I see some resemblance in the expression... no? Posted by Picasa